Thursday, September 29, 2011

For Tara

So this summer I had the best job ever. I was Nanny K to a 1 and half year old boy named Graham. Graham is probably the cutest kid in the world and I had the pleasure of carting him around for a few months. This is graham and I:

Notice Graham's small size in comparison to an adult. Now allow me to compare his size to kids of his own age:

Graham probably has the longest legs ever known for a 2 year old. This means he looks like a giant bald baby.... which is hilarious and adorable.
Graham and I did MANY things this summer like going to the library. At the library there happened to be a giant stuffed Clifford that Graham loved because Graham loves ALL puppies.

But my favorite thing to do with Graham was Gym Dandies. Graham was often fascinated with the hula hoops, though he didn't really have the capability of using them properly, he loved to shake them in his hands.

Basically this summer was the best.

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